Monday, April 13, 2009

Inserting Healthy Genes into the Picture

Finding the right delivery system is a necessary step in mastering gene therapy,
but to nab genes and put them to work as therapists, geneticists must
also find the right ones. Because finding healthy genes isn’t simple, gene
mapping is still a major obstacle in the road to implementing gene therapy.
Imagine you’re handed a man’s photograph and told to find him in New York
City — no name, no address, no phone number. The task of finding that man
includes figuring out his identity (maybe by finding out who his friends are),
figuring out what he does for a living, narrowing your search to the borough
he lives in, and identifying his street, block, and, finally, his address. This
wild-goose chase is almost exactly like the gargantuan task of finding genes.

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